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Home Assistant


Home Assistant

Home Assistant is an open source home automation system that allows you to use a wide range of devices and services to automate your home, all from a single interface.

This is where I keep my notes on how to configure Home Assistant.

Installation type

Installation types

There are 2 ways of installing Home Assistant: Container and Home Assistant OS.

Container is much more portable as you can run it inside a docker container. However, it requires you to install any services separately, whereas in Home Assistant OS these can be installed as part of installing Plugins. Home Assistant OS is usually installed directly on the hardware.

My setup consists of an Unraid server that runs the Container version alongside various other services.



Services are tools that can be installed and deployed separately. I'll commonly refer to applications that are installed in their own docker images as services, (e.g. InfluxDB, Grafana, Zigbee2MQTT etc.). Many services have a dedicated web interface, but can also be integrated with HomeAssistant by using integrations.

These are the services I use in my setup.

HomeAssistantHome automation system
HA Cloud (Nabu Casa)Secure remote access to Home Assistant (needed for Google Assistant, Alexa etc.)
InfluxDBTime series database
GrafanaData visualization
MosquittoMQTT broker
Zigbee2MQTTZigbee to MQTT bridge
ESPHomeESP8266/ESP32 firmware



I'll refer to functionality that you can install inside the Home Assistant docker container as integrations. They work as part of the Home Assistant executable and may connect to - and make use of - services to offer their functionality.

These are the integrations I use in my setup.

BackupBackup Home Assistant
MQTTRead/write to Mosquitto
TasmotaInteract with Tasmota devices
HACSHome Assistant Community Store
UniFi NetworkMonitor network hardware (like PoE ports)
UniFi ProtectAccess to security (like cameres)


To connect your devices to Home Assistant, you need networking capabilities. I use a combination of (powered) Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Zigbee. I've thought about leaving zigbee away entirely in favour of Wi-Fi, but I've learned that connecting too many devices to Wi-Fi can cause issues.



  • Ubiquiti UniFi U6 LR (Access Point)


Recommended guide.

  • SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2 (ZBDongle-E)

There's also Z-Wave, which is a similar technology to Zigbee, but its downside is that it uses different frequencies in different countries.


These are the devices I've adopted into my home. For some of them I've described the installation process.

What are your thoughts?